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CensoredShop's mission is to spread hidden info that feels illegal to know.

You may be wondering, who is behind this Censored Shop? Well, as the founder, I want to remain anonymous--at least for now. But some background about me:

I was pretty ignorant and apathetic until I was exposed to some hidden info by Ron Paul--during his campaign for President in 2008. He spread the word about:

  • How almost everything the U.S. government does is unconstitutional--AKA illegal. (Congress is only authorized to do what is specifically listed in Article 1 Section 8)
  • How the Constitution mandates gold or silver money--but now the Dollar isn't backed by anything. This legalized counterfeiting means there is no limit to how much new money they can create out of thin air. This waters down the purchasing power of your dollars and is the source of higher prices--AKA the hidden tax of inflation. And the Federal Reserve is a central bank--1 of the 10 planks of Marx's Communist Manifesto
  • How “America did just fine without a federal income tax for the first 126 years of her history" and “The founding fathers never intended a nation where citizens would pay nearly half of everything they earn to the government.” - Ron Paul
  • How the U.S. government overthrows foreign governments--including democracies--for corrupt reasons. Instead of the Military Industrial Congressional Complex's endless wars, Paul advised returning to the foreign policy of the founding fathers (peace, commerce, and non-intervention.)

The corporate media blackout of Ron Paul's campaign, and the topics he talked about--redpilled me on how dishonest and deceitful "mainstream" media propaganda is.

Since 2008, I've learned a lot of hidden info. For example:

  • The founders thought the right to a trial by jury was so important because of it's ability to keep a government from getting too tyrannical--as unjust laws can be nullified with jury nullification
  • The 1787 "Constitutional Convention" was an anti-liberty conspiracy. They were only supposed to draft amendments to the original constitution (The Articles of Confederation) but drafted The U.S. Constitution instead--which has been Very Failed at protecting the natural rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness--and decentralization/federalism, as "anti-federalists" warned. The U.S. Constitution was a successful coup against the principles of the American Revolution--which was totally opposed to a centralized government that claimed "power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever"
  • "Limited government" may be a utopian impossibility; and without government who would build the wars or hyperinflation? A purely stateless society (anarchism) could work. At the very least, peaceful people who don't consent to what they see as compulsory & unconstitutional government programs should be able to opt-out and ignore it
  • Some wealthy elites are working to implement a 'Great Reset' of even less freedom, where you'll own nothing, be happy, and eat the bugs

The media won't expose this stuff--so we have to do it ourselves. Big-Tech can collude with government and ban us online--but they can't censor us offline--so buy our merch and share the message with what you wear.

However, some people are too biased/brainwashed to be persuaded about this stuff--no matter what. This is why the answer may well be a "national divorce" - as seemingly half the country supports an unlimited government, and half supports a limited government.

The side that supports liberty would be wise to scrap The U.S. Constitution--and replace it with either 1) true decentralization (anarchism) or 2) restore The Articles of Confederation--slightly amended at most! (If no one else drafts a revised version, I guess I'll have to do it myself.)