Did you know Censored Shop has pocket constitutions? (Amazon affiliate link). And the cover is pretty cool, if I do say so myself.
It includes:
- Our own exclusive introduction
- The Declaration of Independence
- The U.S. Constitution
- The Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: by Thomas Jefferson & James Madison (on states nullifying unconstitutional laws)
- The Articles of Confederation (original constitution, which actually limited government)
An updated introduction has just been submitted to Amazon, pending approval. Anarchism isn't mentioned directly--might have to update it again to include that :) Here is the new intro:
Introduction from Censored Shop Press:
Government schools teach The Constitution should be reinterpreted to suit the times. People wouldn’t have ratified it in 1788 if they’d been told that. Federalism was promised: that Congress could only do what was specifically listed in Article 1 Section 8; with everything else left to the people/states (9th&10th amendments).
“Anti-federalists” were pro-federalism, anti-ratification: they thought The Constitution would result in a government of centralized power–and they were right. They only added a Bill of Rights in order to placate these concerns and secure ratification.
In 1798, the feds criminalized anti-government speech under President Adams. In response, Thomas Jefferson & James Madison wrote resolutions for Virginia & Kentucky–saying the rightful remedy is for states to nullify unconstitutional laws.
A.1 S.8 lets Congress punish ONE crime. But the land of the free has more prisoners than any other country.
"I consider trial by jury as the only anchor yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution." - Thomas Jefferson
Trial by jury has a built-in defense against out of control governments: Jury nullification. Jurors have the power to vote not guilty–for any reason. So if you break a law that is unconstitutional or unjust, your peers can free you by voting not guilty.
Juror veto power has been deliberately hidden, because of how powerful it is. If everyone knew about it, government would lose a lot of control over us.
Judges won’t allow lawyers to mention it; if you mention it during jury selection, you may get dismissed. Most cases never go to trial: prosecutors threaten harsh punishments, then offer a lighter sentence–if you waive your right to trial by jury.
All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise…not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from the downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation. - John Adams (1787)
The ONE crime Congress was supposed to punish is counterfeiting: AKA creating fake money out of thin air. It waters down the purchasing power of your money, and is the root cause of inflation.
The Coinage Act of 1792 made counterfeiting punishable by death. It also defined a U.S. Dollar as 371.25 grains of silver (The average amount in coins)
Now the foundation of our system is counterfeiting; Money is no longer backed by anything–despite The Constitution’s mandate ‘no State shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts’
Coins were heavy, so banks issued paper certificates (redeemable on demand for gold/silver). But banks created certificates for gold they didn’t actually have–then loaned it out and collected interest.
For every deposit, banks kept about 10% on hand–and loaned out the other 90%. Now the % is even worse. This fraud is called fractional reserve banking.
If too many people tried to convert their paper into gold/silver, there wasn't enough to go around. This caused bank-runs & panics, like in 1819 and 1907.
In 1910 a handful of elite bankers met in secret to draft a banking reform law. It became the Federal Reserve Act (passed in 1913.) It required gold reserves of 40% for Federal Reserve Notes. The Fed is a central bank–1 of 10 planks of The Communist Manifesto.
The Fed inflated the bubble of the roaring 1920s, then helped turn the 1929 crash into The Great Depression. In 1933, FDR signed an executive order to confiscate people’s gold. Ownership wasn’t legalized until 1975.
Foreign banks could convert dollars into gold until Nixon ended that last limitation on counterfeiting. It happened in 1971: a dozen eggs was 45¢; gas 40¢ a gallon; a new car $3,500~; a new house $25,000. Since 1913, the dollar has lost 97% of its purchasing power.
Quarters and dimes were 90% silver until 1964, when they switched to cheap look-alike metals. In 1965, the minimum wage was $1.25 (five silver quarters.) As of 2023, the melt value of 5 silver quarters is $19.85.
Who benefits from our counterfeiting-based system? 1) Government gets an infinite revenue source, via the hidden tax of inflation. It helps keep people poor, dependent, and busy–so they don’t have time to stay informed of government crimes 2) Bankers and other wealthy corporatists get bottomless bailouts; then they select politicians & steer government policy.
Almost all federal revenue used to come from just tariffs (tax on imports). The income tax was created in 1913 with the promise it’d only apply to the super-rich.
In 1910 the national debt was $2.65 billion. In 2023 it is $31.5 trillion–not including unfunded liabilities like Medicare, which add $180 trillion. Soon interest payments alone will cost $1 trillion a year.
"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is…the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other…armies, debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few…No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare." - J. Madison
If The Constitution worked effectively, the federal government would mainly handle foreign affairs. But no wars to ‘spread democracy’. And if the U.S. hadn’t entered WW1, there may not have been a WW2.
“The right of property is the guardian of every other right, and to deprive the people of this, is in fact to deprive them of their liberty.” - Arthur Lee (1775)
A new war is on–to institute a Great Reset, where “you’ll own nothing and be happy”. Plus a digital ID, social credit system & central bank digital currency (CBDC) - so everything you do can be tracked and controlled. They say it's about climate (while flying on private jets). None of this is constitutional–but:
“Whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain…it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist” - Lysander Spooner
- National Divorce: Freedom lovers & commie Great Reseters can’t share a country.
- Restore the OG constitution–The Articles of Confederation–to actually limit government.
- Article V Convention of States can propose amendments. ⅔ of states needed to initiate one (almost reached). No new powers for D.C.
- Nullify unconstitutional laws at the state & local level, with The Tenth Amendment Center.
- Move: eg New Hampshire Free State Project.
- Don’t vote for pro-Great Reset candidates. See list of politicians at maloneinstitute.org/wef
- Jury duty: If called, try to get on. Don’t blab about nullification–but don’t lie either.
- Don’t talk to police (only present tense & as few words as possible.) For being pulled over, memorize Wasserman brothers 25 word script
- Opt-out of the banking system with Bitcoin.
- Just say no to government schools–and to consuming corporate media’s CIA propaganda
- Withdraw consent & resolve to serve no more
- For how to get healthy, wealthy, and free: BecomeUngovernable.substack.com
- Spread the word: Get our merch & share this intro at CensoredShop.com/constitution
“Controlling our currency, receiving our public moneys, and holding thousands of our citizens in dependence,
it would be more formidable and dangerous
than the naval and military power of the enemy.”
- Andrew Jackson, Bank Veto Message (1832)
“I sincerely believe…that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity
on a large scale." - Thomas Jefferson (1816)
“Freedom is not constituted solely of having a government of our own. Under this idea most nations would be free. We fought in the revolutionary war against exclusive privileges and oppressive monopolies.” - Sen. John Taylor (1822)
"I propose...to take off every restraint and limitation from our commerce. Let trade be as free as air. Let every man make the most of his goods in his own way and then he will be satisfied." - Pelatiah Webster