As a conspiracy realist/factualist, I don't have time for conspiracy theories. There are too many conspiracy facts to learn--and to spread the word about.
To help do that, I made this design--inspired by a best selling shirt on Amazon. I'm putting it on T-shirts, posters, canvas, and printable digital downloads--so you can do it yourself. The QR codes take you to :)
I think I'll make more designs like this--for example, "ABCs of Media Lies"
Anyway, I figured I ought to make a blog post with more info about each fact, so people can learn more (and explain some of the imagery.) Here goes:
A) Atomic Cover-Up: The U.S. dropped 2 nuclear bombs on Japan in 1945--and for decades the film footage of the aftermath was kept secret. (A bonus related factoid: The feds also secretly injected plutonium into Americans--just to see what would happen--and NEVER told them. Amazon affiliate link to the conveniently out of print book The Plutonium Files.)
B) Bernie 2016+2020 Democrat Primaries Rigged: The party that pretends democracy is sAcReD rigged their own primary elections to make sure Bernie didn't win. (Remember in 2020 right before Super Tuesday how they got everyone to drop out, except Elizabeth "Pretend-Progressive-Pocahontas" Warren? And that was after she agreed 2016 was rigged for Hillary.)
C) Censorship Industrial Complex: Thanks to Elon's purchase and releasing Twitter Files, we now know the U.S. government has direct lines to Big-Tech companies--who censor for the government. (Which gets around that pesky first amendment.) Here is a link to all the Twitter Files, with a one paragraph summary for each.
D) Dumbed-Down By Design: By government schools, and toxic stuff that lower IQs--including lead and fluoride, which is often in drinking water. Here is an Amazon affiliate link to John Taylor Gatto's book Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling. (He was once NYC's teacher of the year.)
E) Elected Governments Overthrown by USA Since 1953: The U.S. overthrew the democratically elected leader of Iran in 1953. They went on to do many more after that--including Ukraine in 2014. Amazon affiliate link to the book Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq.
F) Fauci Funded Wuhan Lab: As head of the NIAID, Fauci funded a lot of things--including gain of function research on coronaviruses at the Wuhan lab in China. And Fauci lied under oath about it. Here is an Amazon affiliate link to Robert F. Kennedy's book The Wuhan Cover-Up: How US Health Officials Conspired with the Chinese Military to Hide the Origins of COVID-19 - which covers how federal funding was provided by Fauci to Wuhan Institute of Virology's (WIV's) leading researchers for gain-of-function studies. To learn more about Fauci's corruption and lies, here's a link to his other book, The Real Anthony Fauci.
G) Great Reset: The World Economic Forum and it's many corporate partners (including corporate media outlets) want you to "own nothing" and "eat the bugs - for the climate!" (While wealthy WEF elites constantly fly around on private jets.) Here is the Corbett Report video about it. I plan on publishing a facts book on Amazon about it ASAP. There are already several best selling books about it, but since so few people complete books these days, mine will be formatted as numbered bullet point factoids--as self contained as possible, so people can flip through it and learn in bite-sized chunks--TikTok style PS: The graphic I used is the back of a mercury dime, which features a fasci: a symbol which was used in ancient Rome, and by the fascist party in 20th century Italy; It is a bound bundle of wooden rods with an axe head. Oh, and a cricket on top of it. :)
H) Hemp Can Be Used to Make Almost Anything, So They Banned It: Hemp really could be used to make almost anything--including biodegradable plastics and fuel for vehicles. But that would have been too much competition for the patentable synthetic products that corporations were invested in. Hemp was predicted to be a billion dollar crop in 1938, thanks to the invention of a decorticator device--which made it much easier to process. Hemp cannot get you high, but it was lumped in with marijuana and banned. Oh, and if the establishment was really worried about climate change, they'd be pushing hemp--since it reduces CO2 even more than trees. Here's an Amazon affiliate link to Jack Herer's book The Emperor Wears No Clothes: The Authoritative Historical Record of Cannabis and the Conspiracy Against Marijuana...and How Hemp Can Save the World!
I) In 1910 Bankers Secretly Wrote Bank Reform Law: Under the guise of a duck hunting trip, wealthy bankers used fake names and traveled to J.P. Morgan's clubhouse on Jekyll Island, GA. While there, they drafted what would become the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. (We know this because they admitted it in writing many years later. There's also a big article about it on the Fed's own website.) Here's an Amazon affiliate link to G. Edward Griffin's classic The Creature from Jekyll Island - but it's quite long; for a shorter read, check out Murray Rothbard's The Origins of the Federal Reserve - and/or What Has Government Done to Our Money? - both of which are available as free audiobooks & PDF ebooks on here and here.
J) Julian Assange Jailed for Journalism: Unlike corporate media presstitutes, Julian Assange did a lot of journalism. He also helped expose how "Every war in the past 50 years is a result of media lies." He also said, "The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security elite ... The goal is an endless war, not a successful war." This is why he had trumped up charges brought against him--which he avoided for some time by seeking asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy. Those charges have since been dropped. Now they're trying to extradite him to the U.S. - even though he isn't an American, so he isn't subject to our unconstitutional laws. According to Glenn Greenwald, Trump was considering a presidential pardon for Assange on his way out of office, but refused to do so because Republican Senators threatened to impeach him if he did.
K) Kennedy Murder Involved CIA: About 50 years after the official Warren Commission report about Kennedy's murder, the CIA admitted it had withheld information about it's relationship to Oswald. Plus, in 1992, Congress passed a bill that mandated full disclosure of all relevant documents by 2017--but the CIA continues to withhold thousands of pages of documents. Also, the term "conspiracy theorist" was not really a phrase in the American vocabulary until after JFK was assassinated, and so many people questioned the official story.
L) Laptop from Hell: A month before the 2020 election, The New York Post published a story saying Joe Biden's son Hunter had abandoned a laptop at a repair shop--and that it contained incriminating information of both personal and political corruption about the Biden family. The story was quickly censored on Big-Tech social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter--which even blocked people from sharing the link in private direct messages. A letter was put out by over 50 intelligence officials (CIA, etc.) saying it was Russian disinformation. Corporate media parroted this lie and used it as an excuse to not cover it. Some, like 60 Minutes, even went further and said contents of the laptop couldn't be verified. This was blatantly false, as these "journalists" could have simply looked at the emails and asked people who received the email messages if they were indeed sent these emails. Some corporate media outlets finally did that months/years after the election and confirmed the authenticity of emails--but they never issued retractions for their "errors." Just recently it was revealed that the letter from 50~ ex-intel officials was engineered by the Biden campaign. Former acting CIA Director Mike Morell admitted this under oath, saying he organized the letter to “help Vice President Biden … because I wanted him to win the election.” He also said he was prompted to do so after being contacted by senior Biden campaign official Antony Blinken--who is now the secretary of state. Then in the presidential debates, Biden cited the letter as proof that the laptop was all a "Russian plan" and "a bunch of garbage." Even CBS has reported on Morrell saying he authored the laptop letter at the direction of Antony Blinken--but some corporate media is still lying and gaslighting about it--like The 'Democracy Dies in Darkness' Washington Post, which tweeted out "House GOP's latest Hunter Biden laptop theory is less than meets the eye."
M) MKUltra & Mockingbird: These were 2 separate secret CIA programs. MKUltra was about trying to develop mind control--by doing such things as dosing people with illegal drugs like LSD without their knowledge or consent. There's probably a lot more we don't know about the program, since CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MKUltra files destroyed--but fortunately, some documents survived. The closest they probably came to mind control was CIA Operation Mockingbird--in which they Manufacture Consent (and NPCs) by using corporate media outlets to manipulate and propagandize the public. (And it has only gotten worse--but also more obvious.) Here's an Amazon affiliate link to Stephen Kinzer's book Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control.
N) Nazis Brought to USA by U.S. Gov in Operation Paperclip: Politicians say "no one is above the law." But the U.S. government recruited and smuggled Germans Nazi war criminals into America after WW2. Around 1,600 scientists and researchers--and they weren't all just ordinary citizens who passively went about their lives under Hitler. Some were high level members of the Nazi Party. Declassified documents eventually revealed this, and the CIA now admits this did happen.
O) Operation Northwoods: In 1962, the Department of "Defense" devised a plan for false flag attacks on Cuban Americans--so they could blame it on Castro and use it as justification for an invasion. JFK rejected their proposal.
P) Psyops: Psychological operations (PSYOPs) are used to manipulate, mislead, and misinform everyone--especially a government's own citizens. Here's the Corbett Report video 'Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare"
Q) Qaddafi Gold Dinar Stopped by U.S. Invasion: Qaddafi wanted a gold dinar currency for Africa. This would obviously threaten the dominance of the U.S. Dollar, which hasn't been backed by anything since 1971, when Nixon cut the last link to the gold standard. (Unless you count the threat of military force.) Speaking of, the U.S. suddenly said they cared about some rights being violated there, and invaded to overthrow Qaddafi.
R) Roosevelt Provoked Pearl Harbor Attack: Like Woodrow Wilson did with the first World War, FDR campaigned for reelection on how he kept us out of the war. Americans didn't want to get involved in another foreign war like they did with WW1--but FDR did want to. So he provoked Japan to make the first overt act of war--to make Americans want to go to war.
S) Scientists Paid Off by Sugar Industry: Big-Food pays for studies about how nutritious and healthy their foods are. The sugar lobby paid off scientists to downplay how unhealthy sugar is--and to point the blame instead at meat and fats. The same corrupt conflict-of-interest funding of "the science" has been done for other foods and ingredients too--like "vegetable" oils--AKA industrial seed oils. Also, apparently doctors get little to no education about nutrition in medical school. Which explains why they have no problem with the unhealthy hospital food that is served to patients.
T) Tuskegee Syphilis Study: The U.S. Public Health Service got hundreds of black men to participate in this study--but the men were lied to and not informed of what the study was really about: The feds wanted to see what would happen if syphilis was left untreated. This "study" took place from 1932 to 1972--and was only finally ended when a journalist uncovered and exposed it.
U) U.S. Constitution an Anti-1776 Coup: The U.S. Constitution wasn't the first constitution that America had after declaring independence from England in 1776. The 1st constitution was The Articles of Confederation (AoC). Nowadays people (who probably went to government schools and support a big-government) say the government under Articles was "too weak." But it was good enough for the rag-tag group of rebels to defeat the biggest empire in the world. There were flaws to it, but it was actually effective at limiting government from getting out of control and gaining powers that weren't authorized by the constitution--unlike the present U.S. Constitution, which is Very Failed at that. But this failure was largely by design--as the 1787 so-called "Constitutional Convention" was only supposed to draft and propose amendments to The Articles of Confederation. Instead, they decided to write an entirely new constitution--in complete secrecy. (They even nailed-down the windows during the hot summer, to prevent people from listening in to their plans.) Some of the attendees wanted to recreate the British system--but they knew people wouldn't agree to that, so they designed a government which would eventually break the near non-existent chains of the constitution. The anti-federalists didn't want to ratify the U.S. Constitution because they were worried about that--and they were right. Amazon affiliate links to Hologram of Liberty: The Constitution's Shocking Alliance With Big Government and Crossroads for Liberty: Recovering the Anti-Federalist Values of America's First Constitution.
V) Vietnam Gulf of Tonkin Didn't Happen: The 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident was used to escalate U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. On August 2, 1964, a U.S. boat apparently was attacked by the North Vietnamese--but what prompted Congress to authorize the ramping up of the U.S. war machine in Vietnam was a 2nd attack on August 4th. But it turns out this 2nd attack never happened. Documents released by the NSA under the Freedom of Information Act confirm this. The Navy admits the North Vietnamese didn't attack that night.
W) World War 1 Set Up By UK Secret Society: Here is a link to Corbett Report's documentary, The WW1 Conspiracy. It shows how a secret society headed by Cecil Rhodes intentionally planned and pushed for World War I. They wanted to crush the upstart nation of Germany--which threatened to soon overtake English speaking countries--and they wanted America back reunified with the British empire. This secret society started working on it in 1891. It's members took over positions in the British government and used them to set the war up. Newspapers were also used to push literal fake news and propaganda for the war. If there hadn't been a 1st World War, there would not have been a 2nd one. WW2 might've also been prevented if the U.S. hadn't entered the war--as the balance of power may not have tipped so much. The treaty that ended the war required large reparation payments by Germany, which led to hyperinflation and then the rise of Hitler.
X) X Amendment: States=Sovereign: The original constitution (The Articles of Confederation) said, "Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled." It was never claimed that this system would change under the new U.S. Constitution. The 10th amendment (roman numeral X) was meant to convey this principle: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people." The Constitution wasn't even going to have a Bill of Rights. It was only added to nullify the resistance to ratification by "anti-federalists." They actually supported the idea of federalism (the federal government only having authority to do what is specifically delegated in a constitution--with all other powers residing in the sovereign states.) Anti-federalists were anti-ratification because they saw that the U.S. Constitution was going to lead to an omnipotent centralized national government--the opposite of federalism.
Y) You Are Under Mass Surveillance: Unless you and everyone you communicate with uses end-to-end encryption, your communications (and your browsing history) are being surveilled--in spite of the 4th amendment. And the last I heard, they record it and keep copies backed up in secret NSA data warehouses. If your phone is turned off, they can still activate the microphone if the battery is plugged in. See the Vault 7 release by Wikileaks for other surveillance & hacking tools that the CIA used as of 2016~. You can take back your privacy with smart security practices and by using alternatives to Big-Tech (who surveils on behalf of Big-Government.) PS: SMS text messages are about as unsecure as it gets. Signal was a good alternative for encrypted text messaging, but they recently decided to get rid of that feature for some reason...
Z) Zombie Banks: Bankrupt banks continue to operate when they should be dead. And thanks to government allowing the inherently fraudulent practice of fractional reserve banking, they're all technically bankrupt. (Banks only keep about 10% of deposits on hand; they lend out the other 90% and then profit on the interest payments.)